Totana City Council will make available to the residents of this town of 20 to 27 April of voter registration lists, which may be found on the Citizens Advice Service, on the occasion of the European Parliament elections in 2009 that held on 7 June.
This public exhibition will allow all registered citizens in Totana can check your voter information and make any corrections in this regard, if necessary, and consult the polling station where they can exercise their right to vote.
Claims will be accepted for change of residence and domicile registration dated prior to March 1, 2009.
The office hours are Monday through Friday, from 9.00 to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 19.00.
To vote in these elections will be enabled 30 tables, which are spread over 12 polling stations, which are the Municipal Center on Aging, The Prison, school, "Santiago", the social center was high, the Convent of the Three Hail Marys, the school "La Cruz" school "Santa Eulalia", the former high school school, school "Guadalentín" school "Tierno Galván" Raiguero the Unity School of Bass, the social hub of Tirol Camilleri.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana