Municipal Technical Development and the departments of Employment and Social Welfare has conducted a briefing on the requirements needed to apply for aid from the Municipal Service Support Standing (SEAPA), in an act that has developed this morning in the Socio-cultural center "Jail", which has been attended by more than one hundred people.
These grants, as explained municipal technicians, increase, strengthen and complement the financial support and resources aimed at social and professional integration of unemployed people in the county, meeting certain requirements.
The economic benefit will be compatible with the perception of other social benefits and the amount will vary depending on financial resources and established scale.
Thus the total amount of the aid will reach $ 1,000 in $ 200 monthly fractionated.
This service is for people who, being unemployed, not receiving any financial aid or family allowance and have real problems meeting basic needs like food, clothing, electricity, water or power to address the mortgage payments or studies of young people.
To start the SEAPA will reduce the budget of the different municipal areas of 2009 to obtain the 600,000 euros that will go to aid people in distress.
The budget for this program is to get under the implementation of cuts in current expenditure of the Consistory as institutional advertising or protocol, among other issues.
This will show you are working towards alleviating the problems causing the economic crisis and this measure will give concrete answers to current problems of the neighbors, who see, in many cases, such as economic resources have not even to eat.
Who can benefit from the service?
The service is aimed at unemployed people registered in the municipality for not less than one year and working age people recorded in the SEF with a minimum of 6 months old, persons legally residing in Spanish territory and have done so for a period ten years, of which at least two must be consecutive and immediately prior to the date of the application, people who do not earn or have exhausted unemployment benefits or perceiving still have insufficient economic resources to cover their basic needs given the situation and personal burdens and / or family members present.
In addition, people will be members of the service recipient may only live their per capita income can not exceed 1.8 of the minimum wage, when in a family unit living together more than one potential recipient per capita income of people in the unit family may not exceed 1.5 the minimum wage in force, and when the potential recipient live together with others who are not entitled to this benefit per capita income thereof shall not exceed the minimum wage.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana