The spokesman of the Socialists in the city of Totana said that "dire situation of many families totaneras requires the mayor to put in place strong and effective measures to be effective municipal solidarity at this difficult time."
Juan Fco Otálora expressed the concern of the Municipal Group "with the paralysis and exhaustion of local government that continues in the line of political showmanship, a lot of propaganda that actually has little content."
Otálora has also ensured that the Service Support Standing approved by the full City, with the support of the Socialists, "is an inadequate and misleading measure, because it aims to sell that will give financial assistance to the unemployed that could reach thousand euros if you are poor of solemnity. "
The socialist leader has complained that "the popular rejected without going to even discuss the proposed measures to support totaneros unemployed, and spent to subsidize municipal taxes and charges such as water, waste, movement of vehicles, the contribution , etc. which would lead to more effective aid to families with unemployed, because the money says the mayor is going to give with one hand to the unemployed, it will pick up the other to pay their taxes and fees. "
Otálora also said that "the proposal to provide a micro of 3000 € for families with unemployed and to create a line of study aids for young children of unemployed, are effective measures that the mayor and aldermen have spurned without condescending or even to discuss them or value them, because they are more concerned with denying everything that may come from the opposition in seeking effective solutions to the problems of totaneros, which is their sole responsibility. "
Socialist spokesman concluded regretting "the defense strategy of the mayor exhausted and actual initiatives, which is supported by a propaganda machine that costs many euros to totaneros, when it should lead by example and eliminate all the superfluous and unnecessary at a time so difficult for many families, as we are living. "
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: