The town of Totana is represented by the third year running in the Bando de la Huerta de Murcia, to be held in the capital of the region on Tuesday April 14, with the participation of the Chorus of Santa Cecilia "and the Folk Group" Santiago. "
In total, as reported by the councilman of Culture and Tourism, Ana Belén García López, 60 participants will totaneros, dressed in the garb of traditional task of the garden in the town, who roam the streets of the city of Murcia in the Bando de la Huerta in full Spring Festival.
The ride consists of bands, giants, dance groups and floats pulled by tractors, which show typical elements of Murcia.
From these floats, people dressed in costumes typical of the food distributed regional cuisine such as sausages, sausages, sausages, beans and beverages such as wine or beer.
View reports from previous years:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo