PSOE said that "as the response of the Councillor for Education, Trinidad Cayuela, on the invitation of the school of Ramblica not have school for another three years."
Socialists point out that "the new school of Ramblica, as announced with fanfare by former Councillor for Education, Roque Molina, is not yet tender."
They note that "the college of La Ramblica replaces the old CEIP La Cruz has serious shortcomings in its structure, so it will not increase school places in its entirety."
They add that "date of March 26 was still proceeding with the technical studies prior to the signing of the agreement between the Ministry and City Hall. This demonstrates once again the amount of lies and deceptions of those who are witnessing the totaneros in education.
Claim from the PSOE that "the land on which to build the school's Ramblica already granted in 2003, before the PP government had responsibility. From then until now all have been false promises. Already September 2008, the former Councillor for Education promised the school would be tendered late last year and that their operation would be to within 2 school years. "
"Seeing that today the tender has not been carried out" from the PSOE wonder if is this a good management in education now that many children are left without getting out of school than their parents had chosen as first choice for not having enough places. "
The Socialists claim that "the new schools are planned where there will be demand for schooling and not where there is not as clear example showing the CEIP Luis Pérez Rueda."
On the other side from the PSOE remember that "there is another public site in the scale that was awarded to a private company to build a school in 2006 concluded."
They claim that "this company is not going to build" and therefore claim that "public land for construction of public schools and that solar becomes the property of all totaneros."
Source: PSOE Totana