In view of the statements made to different media by the local People's Party, on whose behalf he Isabella acted Nau and Don José Antonio Valverde Queen, and in relation to the "charges" that are dumped on the company CADE more than 200 workers directly from this company and their families, state the following:
- The staff of this company is composed of honest men of all social and political nature, who earn their salaries on account of a study done with interest and dedication for the benefit of our development work.
- Los trabajadores no estamos dispuestos a ser manipulados políticamente, ni a ser utilizados como arma arrojadiza entre partidos políticos para atacarse mutuamente.
- Los trabajadores de esta empresa pensamos que en los tiempos que corren, crisis, desempleo…, se está haciendo un flaco favor a la estabilidad laboral y, por tanto, social de nuestras familias.
- Los trabajadores de esta empresa consideramos innecesario y ofensivo citar al conjunto de la empresa para atacar a una persona.
For all these reasons, we urge the two persons mentioned above and therefore the board Totana People's Party, the correction of statements for this company.
Source: Comité de Empresa de CADE