The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, accompanied by Councilman Craft, María Isabel Sánchez Ruiz, and Councilman Industry, José Antonio Valverde Queen this morning visited the Technology Center of Crafts (CTA) for projects research being carried out from Totana regional and national level.
During the day's work, which has developed in connection with events leading up to the tenth anniversary of the CTA, the director of the Center, María José Díaz, and the president of the Bartholomew Bellon, explained to local authorities each one of the projects being carried out at regional and even national from Totana.
The center director explained that being a handicraft center working with a whole range of crafts, not only with the pottery.
In this regard, he stated that they have been a total of 12 major projects since 1999 on ceramic pots, glass, artificial stone, clay, brick, artificial stone, among other commodities.
In addition, the director of the Center has emphasized that is to be published in the Official Gazette AENOR for Bethlehem figures in clay, which establishes the conditions of the particular system for the certification of the nativity of clay with quality label .
Moreover, since the CTA have been two major studies of environmental and business cooperation and various publications including the monthly newsletter and several manuals on traditional techniques.
The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, stressed that the City Council is pushing all kinds of projects to promote the handicraft sector, as it has been for decades the industrial engine of the municipality.
In this sense, explained that for Totana, be the regional headquarters of the Craft Centre, is very important because from here you centralize all research activities even beyond national borders and internationally.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: