The director general of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, Pablo Fernández, presented the activities taking place in the regional parks Espuña, El Valle-Carrascoy and Sierra de la Pila, on the occasion of World Forestry Day.
Specifically, tomorrow from 10:00 hours to 12:30 pm in the Visitor Center Codorniú Ricardo, Sierra Espuña, is hosting a talk for children, planting shrubs and delivery of gifts and diplomas.
The CEO has also submitted three forest-themed books published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water.
On the first, `environmental-economic assessment of the Regional Park of Sierra Espuña ', said that" approached from a new aspect to study one of our most iconic natural areas, approaching a market value of the Park. "
In this regard pointed out that "also intends to establish a valuation method applied to other parts of our vast and rich natural heritage."
The book is eminently technical and specialized, so it is aimed at those engaged in research and management of protected natural areas.
The other book 'Manual of Practice for forest harvesting' and 'Manual of good practices in the implementation of silvicultural work in Murcia', intended to be, as Fernandez explained, "a practical tool for the forest sector, offering a compendium techniques and knowledge that can help advance the professionalization of the sector, thereby improving the safety of persons in the natural and socio-economic development of rural areas. "
World Forestry Day is celebrated since 1998 on the initiative of the United Nations (UN), following the fire at Linton (Canada), killing five members of a forest brigade.
The purpose of this commemoration is to highlight the importance of forests, their usefulness and the need to conserve.
The director general noted that forests "help regulate the water cycle and climate, control floods, prevent erosion, retain soil fertility and also produce oxygen and are a sink for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere" .
He has also pointed out that "forest area in the region of Murcia occupies more than 300,000 hectares, which is more than a quarter of the regional area."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana