Popular Party spokesman Jose Antonio Valverde Queen, said in a statement that the Socialist councilor Jose Gomez "has no standing to comment on the management of the swimming pool after it was unable in the direction of the construction project as a municipal technical ".
The people said that "will continue the benefits for residents and also will see improved, not the socialist hints" that behind his words "has left little doubt to his professional failure, showing that the opposition just trying to confuse the neighbors. "
Valverde Queen has indicated that it is normal since the PSOE "throw balls out and criticize the actions taken by the government team, because, from their position, they could never admit that they are doing things right."
In this regard, adding that "José Gómez is the last person to launch this type of message to the public, as during his years as an engineer technician at City Hall, who led all works have proved a terrible disaster and disastrous. "
Valverde Queen also stressed that "he was responsible for directing the technical work of the pool and we are still experiencing the consequences of bad management."
He has also expressed discomfort of the management company responsible for managing the refurbishment of the swimming pool that will become the new City Sports Center because "they have never encountered a case like that of Totana, which are released criticism from the opposition and marred by a company that manages twelve such centers in twelve Spanish cities, which already has 400 workers, 30,000 subscribers and 45,000 users. "
Thus, King recalled that "the City pulled procurement services concession, since it had a cost of 500,000 euros, with revenue of 150,000 euros and 350,000 euros in losses for 25 years for which the concessionaire carry out the renovations with an estimated value of 1,200,000 euros and is expected to be completed in late April. "
In this regard, he added that "one hundred percent of the work will be performed by subcontractors of Totana, as this is one of the commitments of the company with the Municipality, and will ensure that companies generate work in this town economic crisis. "
On the other hand, with regard to the cost of services, the mayor has said that "new users may, through a monthly fee to use all the facilities such as the vessels of swimming pool, fitness room, or spa and participated in all activities organized by instructors such as aerobics, water aerobics or cicloindor, among other services. "
Thus, the more valuable share of 39.50 euros per month and can use all the services in the same sports facilities and longer hours and days per year, while the Sports Council before a bonus was offering 39.63 euros for only three activities.
As a bonus, Queen Valverde explained that "both the young, the second person in a family that made fertilizer, such as pensioners and disabled people will have more benefits as well as the disabled will have two hours of free swimming pool a month."
In the same vein, it reiterated that "the company has committed to recruit, to manage the information office, people of Totana, which shows that since the Department of Sports and generate new and better sports facilities are works for the promotion of employment in the municipality. In addition, during the time the indoor pool is being renovated, sports technicians, who keep their jobs with professional categories, are receiving training. "
In this regard, and in relation to staff, has reported that the pool of 22 workers have already signed a contract with the new company, under the same conditions in which they were, keeping the age, professional status and the agreement with the City ensuring that "we have faithfully complied with our work and ensuring the same hours of contract workers."
Therefore, the mayor noted that "doubling the number of hours the service will be operated, it takes more workers than the company has already begun to hire."
Valverde Queen recalled that the Sports Center will have a new schedule for users as it will open from 7:00 am to 22:00 pm Monday to Friday, Saturday from 8:00 am to 20:00 pm and Sundays from 10 to 14 hours, doubling the number of hours of opening.
(2,368 hours per year before and now 4888).
Source: PP Totana. Foto: Totana.com