The Department of Social Welfare, through the Migration Program has organized a course on "Nutrition Education in the immigrant population, which will aim to promote knowledge and use of the various indigenous foods to immigrants residing in the town and others who are interested in the subject.
This training will be developed by the Department of Food Technology of the UCAM and subsidized by the Ministry of Social Policy, Women and Migration in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Immigration.
The course will take place from March 26 to April 2 at the offices of Local Social del Barrio "Tirol Camilleri" from 9:30 to 13:00 hours and during the development of the attendees will get the card manipulator food for work in the field of hospitality and a variety of foods for consumption.
Those interested can register by going to the offices of the Immigration Program (C / Santiago, 1-Behind the Church) or contact by phone with the technicians of the same by calling 968 41 80 92.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana