Local Police of Totana made available to the National Police two people in an irregular situation in the country, which after losse of various computer objects (mobile phone, a TV screen, plus a digital decoder and MP3) is fled.
The troops tracked down these people, natives of Morocco and Algeria, hiding behind a vehicle on a street in the town.
But when they saw the agents, objects thrown under the cars and ran after a foot chase, were arrested and brought before the National Police (one of them had already opened an expulsion) and objects deposited into the Civil Guard barracks.
During this weekend, local police have also made three complaints for violating the Immigration Act.
Also, in the course of this weekend, agents of the local police have made three crowded Totana breath and a certificate for driving a motor vehicle without proper administrative approval.
From January 1, 2009, the Local Police in Totana has conducted a total of 25 packed with alcohol and 13 for driving without administrative authorization.
In addition, agents have opened five disciplinary proceedings for violation of the Municipal Urban Hygiene for urinating in public and throw glass bottles, seven sanctioning the Ordinance regulating the sale, supply and delivery of alcoholic beverages and consumption in public spaces and roads, thirteen sanctioning the Law 1 / 92 on Protection of Public Safety, ten for disorderly conduct, two for disobeying the mandates of the law enforcement officers and an excess of the established schedules for opening facilities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana