The new council of New Technologies, Juan Carrion Tudela, recently introduced the draft Computer Rooms Network "RAITOTANA" to the Directorate General Information Society of the Region of Murcia, as a pioneering regional and national level, since from the beginning "is being a revolution, because it is promoting and facilitating the approach to information technology and communication to the entire population, either through training or through free access," he explained.
With the introduction of this project is to establish the lines of working together to continue the project in future years and extrapolated to other municipalities in the Region of Murcia.
The mayor said that this project was launched in June 2007 as a municipal initiative that seeks to unite under a single name different computer rooms of the town of Totana.
During this time, laid the foundations of the project, creating the logo, project website and a brochure, and has developed an internal protocol of operation and application models, among other things.
Since beginning the project until December 2008 were about 700 people that have made training courses in Project RAITOTANA and several thousands have used the free access offered by the classroom.
From the beginning, as the mayor said, "the host of the training has been overwhelming, with waiting lists for the completion of the courses offered by several months"
The RAITOTANA includes the 10 computer labs that are available to the public located throughout the municipality.
Are the result of various agreements between the city of Totana and other agencies.
4 Open Access Walas, 3 3 Internet Rural Telecentres and set up the computer rooms with Internet access.
All information in the Courses, Free Access, Computer Rooms Network Computer Rooms can be found on the web, or call 968425003 (Pedro Antonio).
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana