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The Socialists say that "money sent to Totana Zapatero's government could create many more jobs if the PP had been invested properly" (18/02/2009)

The Municipal Socialist Group report "mismanagement by the popular government of millions of Local Investment Fund under our town, that this lack of foresight of the PP, Totana will create fewer jobs than could be. "

According to the PSOE de Totana, "works in the city of Totana going to spend the millions in the socialist government's plan, many are not urgent and could be financed in any event at short notice to other funds. The most pressing problem for the totaneros is unemployment that is coming in many homes. As the priority for the council should have been put in place works that generate the largest possible number of jobs, because with that spirit born of the socialist government plan, without But in Totana not been exploited well 5'87 M € which have arrived from Madrid. "

Article 1 of Royal Decree-Law says literally "to promote the implementation by the municipalities of job-creating investment."

Among the works submitted by our council abound of paved and lighted.

The Socialist Group in the City of Totana reports that "in this type of work the rate of jobs created and the duration of these are very low compared to those that could be achieved by building works, both new construction and rehabilitation. For example in a piece of asphalt where the council has spent much of the money received, the percentage of the investment of labor may be between 8 and 14%, the rest of the money goes materials and machinery. These works are done in a few days and using heavy machinery and less labor. "

The Socialist Party argues that, "by contrast, works of construction, restoration and rehabilitation, the labor rate would be much higher, three, four or five times depending on the type of work. What led a number jobs means that if that kind of works submitted by the PP for example creating employment for 100 people, with the works that should have presented it could create jobs for 400 or 500 people. For this folly of popular government be created far fewer jobs in Totana of which would allow the nearly one billion pesetas that we sent from Madrid. "

Moreover, as the Socialists, "many works have been awarded to friends of the municipal government, with interests in planning agreements, interestingly companies engaged in asphalt and civil works, which makes one suspect the Socialist Party that the money should be aimed at creating jobs, Totana PP could be using to pay or seek favor or compromise. "

Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: Totana.com

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