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UI Totana requires that "the veterinary services and policy makers to give an explanation of the pig farm operated by the SEPRONA" (09/02/2009)

"The SEPRONA intervention in a pig farm , which has come to light last week in Totana, highlights the dismal performance of veterinary services and livestock of Totana and the Shire, and the controls bound to the Autonomous Community "say from IU Totana in a statement.

They add that "shame is the situation they were in animals and have been in the news in this sad and unfortunate fact. But this problem has a political and technical, they are silent to the performance of the Service for Protection of Nature Civil Guard. "

According to the leftist coalition, "the mayor of Totana, the council of Livestock and Veterinary Health and municipal services, have a responsibility for this situation as well as health services dependent Cerdá Adviser, who is obsessed with the Ebro and does not control basic services for which it is responsible, such as Animal Health. "

From IU demand "explanations responsibilities and those responsible and not give no answer."

Source: IU Totana. Fotos: Guardia Civil

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