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Socialist Youth of Totana denounce "the cruel animal abuse that took place on a farm in Totana", in "Operation PIGLETS" (09/02/2009)

From Totana Young Socialists want to denounce "the cruel animal abuse that took place on a farm in Totana, and has come to light after the performance of EL SEPRONA, reported in press release.

JST remember from "The Civil Guard pinned 462 pigs at a farm in Totana, in the so-called ' Operation PIGLETS '. There were more than 30 bodies of pigs, which they had begun to eat, since the vast majority of pigs had no food and were in a state of neglect.

The facilities were not licensed municipal opening, found 36 dead pigs at different stages of decomposition, and various remains of bones of others who had already been devoured by the pigs who were still alive.

In addition to that found several irregularities such as a trench where they had gotten several pig carcasses and pools without proper waterproofing which slurry is poured. "

"For all this we were outraged at the lack of ethics of some people, and cruel, far from the declaration of animal rights, even more so when it comes to animals enclosed in two square meters with no chance of survival," added from JST.

"Congratulations to SEPRONA for his performance, while we expect no longer needed such actions and that people are aware," he added young socialists.

Source: Juventudes Socialistas / Fotos: Guardia Civil

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