The socialist mayor explained that "this case started in August when the PP came to the media claiming that countless people had approached them to show their outrage that his firm had been" falsified "."
"Similarly, the PP filed a motion in Parliament in September to open up a process to solve the case, which was accepted by the PSOE," said the councilman.
He added that "in this way, the commission has come to clarify for example, that the number of claims were 22, and that only 9 of these 22 have maintained their complaint to the commission."
Usero Martinez, recalled that "the general plan of January 2007 had over 8000 submissions that the percentage of possible forgeries was 0.1% or one per thousand, far from alarms that led from the PP."
Usero Martinez said that "policy research we have tried in vain to close by the PP and reported that they had requested proof practiced calligraphy at City Hall to residents who had sought to avoid problems and to clarify any confusion within the council itself. "
The socialist regretted the refusal of the PP to perform this test, and said "they had no choice but to complain to the courts, since the reputation of the local PSOE had been put into question by Valverde in this plenary January and September of 2008, besides the fact that there is only one false claim requires that the complaint is lodged immediately, bypassing the filter of the Prosecutor. "
Source: PSOE Totana. Fotos: