In the next work meeting in Seville, the Board of Spokesmen with the engineer responsible for the high-speed line linking the east coast of Andalusia on 30 January, Totana socialists have been in contact with the company ADIF ( Railway Infrastructure Management) for the position of the same to the demands of totaneros, reported from the PSOE in the press release.
In these contacts, as the socialists of Totana, ADIF has indicated its readiness and willingness to review and negotiate the path that is not yet awarded, which has not yet been expropriated and, therefore, whose works are not running.
In this way the socialists say that extending the ways and possibilities to solve the current path that could lead to an insurmountable wall for the expansion of the town of Totana to the south.
Socialists have also said that ADIF is fully convinced that the current layout is compatible with future freight station, near the industrial estate, in case there might be some inconvenience, the company's total willingness to pay for it.
Source: PSOE Totana