The Municipal People present at the meeting for the month of October a proposal to the plenary of the Corporation to urge the National Government to the construction of the dam Lebor.
In addition, the Group requests that this major infrastructure project is incorporated into the general budget of 2009 to carry out urgent work.
La Rambla de Lebor, as stated by the Municipal People's Party spokesman, José Antonio Valverde Queen, "is the largest town of Totana, both for its volume as its length, so that the work of this dam is something essential to reduce considerably the risk of flooding in the village of Lebor and partly to recover the aquifers in the area. "
"The National Plan of 2001 Hidológico specifically provide for this work within the infrastructure project Segura Basin."
In this sense, Valverde Reina explained, "when, in 2005, the Socialist government repealed the PHN, disappeared the project, while not even listed in Annex II of new activities of general interest or of priority actions and urgent in Mediterranean basin. "
Source: Grupo Municipal Popular, Ayuntamiento de Totana