Totana] | With a duration of 55 hours, addresses workers to active workers in construction |
On October 22, at 20 am in the local DC.
Totana (Calle Dr. López Ibor, 1 Bass), began a free course in English, with a duration of 55 hours for 20 students, and to be taught from that day and is aimed at people who have a minimum knowledge English.
It is aimed at employed workers in construction, the number of 12 and 8 places for interested / as they are unemployed, whatever their sector or job application.
After completing this course, it is planned to start another, basic English.
Those interested can go through the local CC.
Monday through Thursday and 5 to 8 pm.
968420275 calling or sending an email with your details cc.oo.totana @ to contact and indicate the necessary documentation to enter.
The courses, organized by the Workers' Commissions are free, will receive a diploma the approved curriculum to expand the audience and the selection process are preferred workers and union members.
From CC.
Totana is highly valued training courses have been organized at its premises, with plans to organize in the coming weeks about computers and the Internet.
The large demand and interest of students to improve their professional training, reinforces the commitment of the union for continuing education among workers in Totana.
Source: CC.OO. Totana