The major political parties have hijacked our democracy is an anomaly to which citizens can not get used, much less resign.
Dedocrática election of members of the electoral lists by the leaders of political parties has, as a condition inexcusable, that the elect are accountable to those who have been placed on these lists and not the voters.
Unable to directly elect our representatives is having negative consequences in many parts of the country.
Totana is a good example.
Totaneros If we had the opportunity to directly elect our mayors, I am convinced that the election five years ago had not been the same and most likely would not be Totana suffering from Totem operation.
The ruling oligarchy of the great political parties to maintain the "snack", have formed two ideological blocs in constant conflict: the left block and the block on the right.
Our local politicians continue to "strictly" this slogan.
In Totana left block is formed by the PSOE and IU and the block right by the PP and its satellite platforms.
The leaders of both blocs have proved that they are unable to reach agreements or agreements on behalf of the Municipality, at least on major issues.
An example, take three successive terms without agreeing to take forward the General Plan
The negative consequences for our town and are beginning to see and the city is headed for bankruptcy.
Totana is a friendly small town and its people are good people, we do not deserve this punishment.
With respect to the operation Totem has already been talked about everything and in all the forums, I think the most convenient, regardless of whether it should assume the corresponding political responsibilities, is leave it to justice and to work together to try to close wounds, banish resentment and restore confidence to investors and the public.
The vast majority of politicians totaneros are young people, well prepared and with a great capacity for work.
It is incomprehensible that have been swept into a dynamic that is so negative that can not, do not want or can not get out.
Now more than ever, we need a new political force with sufficient support is between political bloc on the left and right political bloc and force them to stop sweeping to "the farm" and make political thinking solely on the Well of citizens.
Bathrooms Miguel Martinez.
Elections Committee Chair of UPyD Guadalentín.
Source: Miguel Baños. Foto: archivo