The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, recently held a meeting with various representatives of local and regional union CCOO
and UGT to discuss the current economic situation in the town hall and publicizing the measures implemented by the local Town Hall to alleviate the effects of the economic crisis is having on the City Council.
This meeting is part of the round of contacts is carried out by the mayor with associations, groups and organizations in this county, to meet real needs and problems of different sectors of the population totanera and publicize the various measures initiated by the City Council to streamline and economize the services provided.
During their meeting the Mayor reported on the actions taken by the City Council to address the general crisis that is affecting national income received by the City Council.
The mayor requested the cooperation of union representatives to give their views on the measures taken while engaged to lead the Administration's dialogue with social partners with regard to all matters affecting the workers of this institution.
Thus, Martínez Andreo made a commitment to convene a general meeting with all unions represented at City Hall, UGT and CCOO CSIF to concretely address all measures implemented by the government team to overcome the crisis and directly affecting workers.
For its part, the union claimed to be aware of the difficult situation being experienced by all municipalities in the region of Murcia to the significant reduction in income that are suffering the consistory.
They recognized that one of the most frequent actions by all, was to be the outsourcing of municipal services rendered.
In this regard, they stated that they did not like this kind of action but "did not object."
In this regard, they requested the implementation of these actions have his approval, opinion and suggestions made to incorporate the contract documents for services that want to outsource, to ensure workers rights d elos is subrogated by contracting company.
Totana Mayor welcomed the outcome of the meeting, as it highlighted the importance and the willingness by both sides to keep roads open and permanent dialogue between the mayor and the social partners.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana