The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, Councillor for Citizen Participation, Juan Carrion Tudela, and Council Member of Planning and Sustainable Development, María José Bedia, visited with several members of Roma local construction of new center social situated at the confluence of the Calle Navas and Santa Eulalia in the neighborhood "Pottery."
The works of local adaptation of the social are being implemented by the Commercial Building Turnasa SL, amounting to 80,323 euros and a lead time of six months, according to Councillor for Planning and Sustainable Development.
The restaurant, which has a total area of 151 square meters and 138 sq meters with storage, playground and toilets, will provide the residents of an enclosed area where they can conduct meetings and various activities, mostly aimed at the gypsy group live in this area.
Citizen Participation The mayor said that this project meets one of the election pledges which promised to provide infrastructure to all neighborhoods and districts to be allocated to public participation.
He indicated that the group had long demanded a local gypsy these features and, in less than a year and a half term, and is being built.
Thus, the government team continues its election commitment to provide infrastructure to all neighborhoods and districts to be allocated to public participation.
Martínez Andreo praised the work done with the Gypsy people and vulnerable youth, and who, according to the members of this community carry out preventive activities to avoid bad habits and behaviors.
During the visit, the mayor explained that the construction of this place was a commitment to the Gypsy and already has become reality and you will enjoy soon.
The restaurant, which was owned by Society for the Promotion and Housing Municipal Industrial Land, PROINVITOSA, was ceded to the Consistory for this work.
In this sense, the mayor stressed that the total project cost some 300,000 euros and that, following the policy of the government team has been awarded to a local company to counter the effects of the crisis is resulting in construction sector.
Source: Ayuntamiento. Fotos: Ayuntamiento y