It's been almost 7 months DISCORD released his new album "With a sharp tongue, and this time they have performed about 20 concerts.
Even they have proposed leaving for Mexico, but for personal reasons have not advanced, sources of this group Murcia (which includes two totaneros)
They add that receive many emails from people from all parts of the world and are working to reach wherever Discordia have never been and would like to be in all places "where do we get your messages of love, feeling and struggle. "
From Discord like to acknowledge the work of "Nomads in Action" are doing a great job by the group as separate components have their jobs to survive like everyone else and not live music.
"We never forget those who were from the sources of discord, which are still there giving their all as the first day (Roldán revolutionary). A big hug for everyone and I hope to see you do it soon because our hearts are full of hope and more rage to keep fighting. HEALTH COMRADES! "