The councilman of Social Welfare, Juan Carrion Tudela, held a meeting recently at the Occupational Center "José Moya" with a large group of relatives of people with disabilities who attend this service and currently serves more than thirty people.
During the meeting, which was also attended by professionals from the center, was reported by the educational team of proposals and activities planned for the period September 2008 to July 2009.
Activities include the continuation of occupational activities (carpentry and ceramics), socio (data, activities of daily living, basic instrumental skills), sports and other related complementary expression (drama, art), and a new occupational therapy workshop.
Thus, it is proposed to work with special "emphasis" in the area of activities of daily living (grooming, dressing, personal hygiene, etc.) Considering that since June last year, the center has spacious bathrooms equipped with Showers better suited for working in this area.
During the meeting "fruitful", as reported by the Centre professionals, they exchanged proposals and views on various aspects related to people with disabilities.
For his part, Carrion Tudela grateful for the assistance to the families and announced the forthcoming construction of a sheltered housing for people with disabilities, which will complement the care given in the town of Totana people with learning disabilities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana