EducaRed program is driven by the Fundación Telefónica, Telefónica and most educational organizations in the world which are the main professional associations, parents and Unions Confederations.
EducaRed intends to generalize the Internet as a tool for innovation and pedagogical training to teachers, parents and students of primary, secondary, high school and middle-level vocational training.
To do so, ten years ago, operates the portal who subscribe to more than 12,000 Spanish centers.
EducaRed held every two years an international congress with an influx of thousands of teachers.
One section of this site is Innovative Teachers, which includes as "Teacher of the Month" in September Albaida Group consists of:
Fernando Ortiz Martínez del CEIP SANTIAGO.
Maria Soledad Moreno Escobar of the CEIP the Immaculate Conception.
THE Esparragal.
Puerto Lumbreras.
Luisa Fernández Lucía Martínez Vivancos Murcia.
CEIP Tierno Galván.
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Source: EducaRed