Totana Socialist Youth believes that it is a measure of clear progressive nature of investing in training and human factors as a means to improve the competitiveness of our economy.
Socialist Youth Totana (JST) has shown its support for the reform of vocational training presented by the Ministry of Education, and has very highly to open the possibility that workers who spent years practicing a trade to obtain recognition of their experience through an official accreditation, and even access to an official certificate of vocational training, as it will serve to enhance professional and economic expectations of millions of workers and promote training and job mobility.
For young Socialist is a measure with a strong social, which also enable thousands of young people who once left the education system are able to obtain a degree and recognition, which will enhance their job prospects.
In this sense, from JST was emphasized that the project will also include incentives for workers to supplement and broaden their education through distance learning, which "will serve for many workers who now have no specific qualifications are encouraged to continue with their training, and even get back into the education system through various reform instruments provided by the Ministry of Education.
The proposal submitted by the Ministry has a clearly progressive, and that promotes equal opportunities, and supports investment in the human factor, through the training of workers as a means to improve the competitiveness of our economy.
"Once again, from the Government shows that there are two economic models and social markedly different.
The PP, clearly antisocial and unsupportive, for which the only solution to the problems of the labor market passes the cut workers' rights, and the PSOE, which focuses on social policies for the promotion of equality opportunities, recognition of rights, and investment in improving the training of workers. "
For its part, NNGG Murcia Region Zapatero complaint that there are 30,371 students Murcia
Criticizes the lack of development of the basic rule that has forced the CCAA to develop curricula "in record time", dismisses the criticism of the bonolibro PSRM and application of new technologies and Plummer recalled that the draft is already present in all primary schools in the Region
The secretary general of New Generations, José Manuel López, reported today that "Zapatero's government are not 30,371 students in the Region of Murcia and for which funding is not provided."
Responsible for NNGG has criticized the Socialist government has not updated the population variable in the regional financing since 1999, affecting especially in education, so that "the regional government has to bear alone the effort to These serve some 31,000 students. "
However, as indicated by José Manuel López, "this has not prevented the regional government, once again, has carried out sensitive budgets to education, so you spend 5,370 euros per student, which is the largest investment per student in Spain. "
José Manuel López also said that the socialist government is characterized by its "lack of leadership", which he says has caused "a serious lack of coordination with the Autonomous Communities, which also spares information and a tremendous lack of investment in large projects. "
An example of this mismatch, the secretary general of NNGG has highlighted the delay in the development of basic rule, which has forced the Autonomous Communities develop their curricula in record time.
It has pointed out that "after a year of delay by the Government, the Community of the Region of Murcia has had to play a full part in designing the curriculum of high school in just eight months."
NNGG responsible for "this is a consequence of the fiasco that has led to the LOE."
At this point, he recalled that more than 4,000 objectors to the subject of Education for Citizenship in the region, which the socialist government should give answer, instead of throwing balls to the Autonomous Communities. "
Along with this, Lee has stressed that the regional government proposed three alternatives for implementing the subject Education for Citizenship.
"First raised the withdrawal of the subject, then suggested I go and finally demanded consensus optional content.
However, the socialist government has not even responded to these offers and closed the door to dialogue. "
José Manuel López has highlighted the "success" in the bonus-book management in the region that will help mitigate the effects of economic crisis on families Murcia.
In this regard, PSRM has recommended that "if you have stick with the award of bonus-book, to ask the Government of his party, which established through an agreement with the Autonomous Community of the bond-book award."
Finally he pointed out that "the PSRM lies on the application of new technologies in education, since in this course Plumier XXI project is implemented in all primary schools and will be implemented progressively in high school, and in three centers private educational pilots. "
In them, as explained by José Manuel López distributed 10,000 computers and install 1,000 digital boards.
Source: JJSS Totana // NNGG RM