The Department of Public Works and Employment and Municipality have jointly made a proposal to be elevated to the House to begin legal proceedings to allow assignment of the use of facilities at the Union of Worker Cooperatives in the Region of Murcia (UCOMUR) in order they install a center for information, advice and training, Totana, to provide services to the entire region of Guadalentín.
Also, through this initiative are encouraged to articulate the necessary mechanisms for its implementation through a collaborative agreement signed between the city of Totana and UCOMUR.
In this regard, Council Member Development and Employment, said that the city of Totana has become a regional reference in policy implementation and management of Employment and Training, being "a pioneer in the development of these policies."
The cooperative movement, represented by UCOMUR Murcia, in the opinion of the council building and employment, Trini Cayuela, "has become the main alternative employment generating stable and quality both regionally and nationally and who maintain close relationship training, risk prevention, business advice, etc.. "
Therefore, the mayor emphasized the need to bet on the movement cooperativota that "UCOMUR bet is one of the best assets in these times of crisis to consolidate and create jobs"
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana