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The Town Hall and the Association of Victims of Terrorism signed a collaboration agreement to moral and material support to repair the damage suffered by victims of these crimes (31/05/2008)

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, National President of the Association of Victims of Terrorism, Juan Antonio García Casquero, have signed a collaboration agreement for an amount of 2,000 euros to moral and material support in the repair of damages of any kind suffered by victims of these crimes.

The event was also attended by the Councillor for Citizen Participation, Juan Carrion Tudela, the representative of the Association of Victims of Terrorism, AVT, the Region of Murcia, Manuel Alejandro Urteaga, the treasurer of the AVT, Antonio Munoz, general secretary, Carmen Miranda, a victim of ETA terrorism, María Jesús González, and two victims of the M11, and Lucia Mendieta Javier Cisneros.

Thus, according to Carrión said Tudela, the Consistory expressed its determination to provide necessary assistance, "both moral and material type, to any person who, having been the victim of a terrorist action, as needed."

The agreement, among other things, is to ensure the effectiveness of citizens' fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, and in particular the right to life and physical and moral integrity, to provide the necessary assistance to the victims of attacks terrorists and their families.

It also aims to promote better understanding of the situation of this group and give recognition and attention that society demands.

The national president of the Association of Victims of Terrorism appreciated the cooperation extended by the Consistory, and that "it is a morale booster that Totana council like to be involved with this group" and reported that the money will go to support department of the entity, which covers all the social needs of the victims of terrorism.

For his part, Mayor of Totana, conducted an extensive social recognition of the work of this partnership to help families of victims of such crimes, "the most cruel and unjustifiable that can occur in a democratic state and right, as attentive to its own essence and the most fundamental of rights, which is none other than the right to life and physical and moral integrity. "

He also expressed his satisfaction with the signing of this agreement "we will unite with strong ties, solidarity and intense" and invited the representatives of the association to make any kind of event or social event in the town.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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