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Hispano-French Conference on Retirement and other benefits (30/05/2008)

The Department of Social Welfare has reported that "Spanish-French Workshop on retirement and other benefits", organized by the Provincial Directorate of National Institute of Social Security of Murcia, in collaboration with the French Social Security, will be held from 2 to 6 June in the capital of Murcia.

These conferences, which are aimed at people who have worked in France, regardless of age and they are charging or not pension, will be held on schedule from 9 to 14 and from 16 to 19:30 hours (Friday morning only )

The objective of these, as reported by the municipal department responsible for this, Juan Carrion Tudela, is inform on the periods of contributions and pension rights on retirement and other benefits they may have.

This requires that interested persons fill out the form below, in order that we can provide personalized information.

In this regard, the mayor warned "that even if it is collecting a pension, you can go to find out if he was entitled to a supplement."

To make an appointment, interested persons should send the newsletter to the Provincial Directorate of INSS (Avenida Alfonso X El Sabio, 15, 30008 Murcia), contacting by telephone at the numbers 968 27 94 03, 968 and 968 27 94 06 27 94 19 or sending it by fax at No. 968 27 94 63, or the Office of the National Institute of Social Security Totana.

(C / Canovas del Castillo, 3).

If for any reason the person concerned can not go directly to the appointment, may do so in its place a person on his behalf, as long as they provide their ID card and the person concerned.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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