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The activities organized to mark the "Environment Day", will host more than a dozen activities, which will run until June 5 (30/05/2008)

The Councillor for Environment, Trini Cayuela, presented the program of activities organized to commemorate the "World Environment Day, which includes more than a dozen advocacy activities in that area and developed from the May 30 to June 5.

These activities aim to raise public awareness, according to the mayor said, "starting from the smallest to work and have a willingness to care for and respect the environment" and stressed the importance of combating noise pollution, light and environmental and

New in this edition, the mayor announced the organization of a "Photo Contest," aimed at secondary and high school students, which seeks the best image that reflects the environmental impact on our town.

The photographs will be exhibited virtually from the June 5 City Council Web Totana.

The three winners will get prizes amounting to 200, 100 and 50 euros respectively and a diploma, to spend on material and / or computer stores in Totana.

The program starts on Friday 30 May, with activities taking place in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja from six until nine at night, such as Puppetry of environmental issues, environmental workshops where they will be making toys ecological , soaps, oils and production of paper figures.

Also made the game "Grand Roulette recycling", to be led by Environmental Ecoinformadores.

On Saturday 31 May, will hold a planting of native species in the hamlet of Santa, an activity that will be borne by the Association Espuña Mama, Support for breastfeeding.

Next week the planned activities will continue during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th June with reforestation in the Paraje de la Santa with native species and environmental performance of a path in that place.

This activity, which is aimed at students in Year 6 Primary will be held during the mornings of the three days.

Also during these three days, conducted educational talks on reducing, reusing and recycling waste in local schools.

On Wednesday, 4 June, ecoinformadores and responsible environmental animations in the weekly market, where information and delivery of recycling waste materials from 09:30 hours to 13:30 hours.

On Thursday June 5th at 11:00 pm and develop an institutional act, with a reading by the Mayor of Totana manifest in commemoration of World Environment Day.

Later proceed to the awards ceremony Photo Contest, and throughout the morning Environment Fair held with students in the Plaza de la Balsa Vieja, which held the game's good buyer, bookmark Workshop of dolls, plastic plates, separation of household waste, environmental mural educational games and a battery of traditional games related to the environment.

The municipal official of the Environment urged all citizens to participate in these awareness activities that enhance the respect for the environment and appealed to civic responsibility, as "the world will be the legacy we leave our children."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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