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City officials made a public recognition of the family caring for the services received from the Law Unit (29/05/2008)

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and the councilman of Social Welfare, have been publicly recognized the figure of the family caregiver, who altruistically offer this service in order to contribute in improving the quality of life of the elderly and dependent on location.

Also used the occasion to congratulate you for the work performed and for being the first eleven local people to perceive the economic benefits of care in family environment and service-related benefits, arising from the implementation of the Law of the Unit.

Law 39/2006 of 14 December, Unit Act, involves the creation of a new system of protection for dependents, said the Mayor of Totana, since in his view "has many positive aspects to be result in greater protection for an ever larger "

He reported that up to regional and local authorities contribute to the implementation of the system, facilitating their access to the employees and their families, highlighting the work of technicians from the Area Seniors and Unit of the Department of Social Welfare .

Thus, stressed the importance of disseminating information on the benefits to the general population and reported that the requirements for access to aid is in a state of dependence (according to the order of Degree of Dependency) and reside in the Community Autonomous Region of Murcia, at least in the years preceding the application.

Currently, Carrion Tudela reported that the services requested by the Department of Social Welfare of the City of Totana, have been a total of 198 applications processed, of which 178 have received positive ratings.

Of these, 58 applications have been processed Care in the Family Environment, of which 11 have been granted Family Care Environment, and Related given to the Service.

Among the economic benefits, which are of three types, as reported by Martínez Andreo, is the "cash allowance of Care in Family Environment", which is the preferred choice of applicants and is intended to help cover the costs of care provided by carers.

In this type of feature is the figure of "Caregiver," which may be non-professional caregivers of a dependent person, his spouse and relatives by blood, marriage or adoption, to the third degree, and the position of "Keeper of the environment, which may be those without the condition of non-professional family caregivers to the dependent person may both contribute to Social Security.

Another economic benefit is the "Linked to Service", which can not be granted when the dependent care through the public offering of the Network of Social Services of the CARM.

Is intended to help finance the cost of services


And there is also the Personal Assistance cash allowance, intended to help cover the costs of hiring a personal assistant to facilitate access to education and work, and enables a greater autonomy in the exercise of basic activities of daily living for people with high dependency.

Also recalled the services launched from the municipal department to help improve the quality wing of these people, such as the Prevention Service of the situations of dependency and the promotion of personal autonomy, the Telecare Service, Service home help, the Day Services Center (Elderly and Dependent Children) and Residential Care.

Finally, Martínez Andreo encouraged all citizens caregivers of patients who request such aid and have patience, because "this cake a slow process."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Totana.com

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