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City officials delivered the prizes of the competitions organized by the Municipal Service of Prevention and Control of truancy, which has had the participation of a total of 200 students (29/05/2008)

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and the Councillor for Education, Roque Molina Legaz, have awarded the prizes of the contest "Create a pet against truancy" aimed at 5 and Primary 6, and the competition "Design the advertising spot "aimed at secondary students, which has had the participation of 200 students in total.

The aim of the competition was to sensitize, educate and inform about the consequences arising from truancy, both in schools, as students, family environment and society in general, said the mayor.

The contest has had the participation of nine of the ten primary schools and three secondary schools.

Also, involving 150 primary school students, with a total of 75 pets submitted, and 50 secondary students participated, with a total of 20 spots submitted.

This initiative, according to Molina Legaz, emerges for the first time this school year, and launched with the aim of providing Municipal Truancy Service Totana representative of a pet, whose mission is to visit all schools in the county, during the next school year to raise awareness of the importance of attending class every day and provide, at the same time, a slogan or advertisement for this service.

The task of selecting the winner as the mayor said, "has been quite difficult for jurors, given the large number of submissions and their quality" and said be pleasantly surprised by the strong turnout .

The general criteria followed by the jury for rendering the award are originality, to represent the importance of receiving an education, the message wanted to convey the effort of the participants in the development of the pet, the quality of the work, the colorful, it was striking, visual impact, the interpretation of participants, identification of the message transmitted to the problems of absenteeism, and quality of work

City officials welcomed the participation of each and every one of the students, because "the papers submitted to both competitions have been very original, have adapted to the needs of the competitions, have worked hard for the participants, resulting each and every one of them a great level. "

Furthermore, also thanked the schools and teams of teachers involvement and awareness on the issue of truancy and stressed the "great" work since the service bulletin, congratulating the two techniques.

Connection with the Contest "Create a pet against truancy," the first prize of Nintendo DS, went to Andres Serrano Sonia Alberto Andreo and Valverde, CEIB students Guadalentín - Paretón by their mascot "The Owl Hector"

The second prize of digital camera, went to Alba Rocío Gómez Angulo and Ruiz Rodríguez, students of the Colegio Tierno Galvan for his pet: "The Pencil Molon.

As in the Competition "Design the advertising spot," the first prize of Nintendo DS, went to Alberto Jesús García Hernández, Miguel Fernández and Iván García Martínez Tárraga, students of charter schools La Milagrosa, and the second prize MP4 music player, went to Victor Hernández García, Salvador Lopez Serrano Valenzuela and Daniel Ballester, students of the College Concerted La Milagrosa:

Finally, the carrying out of the draw for a digital camera among participants in high school and MP4 player among the participating primary school, went to Juan Francisco López Rodríguez del CC La Milagrosa, and Christopher Eliar Bedón CC La Milagrosa, respectively.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Totana.com

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