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Fmpleo Industry and Development, organized a seminar on "Entrepreneurial Motivation" aimed at entrepreneurs as the town interested in setting up a business (29/05/2008)

The Councillor for Industry, José Antonio Valverde Queen, opened the seminar on "Entrepreneurial motivation" for local entrepreneurs interested in starting a business, and that is part of the municipal program to support business initiatives that arise in the municipality, launched by the City of Totana.

This training, organized jointly by the departments of Public Works and Employment and Industry, has been given by the Association of Young Entrepreneurs in the Region of Murcia (AJE), funded by the Regional Employment Service and Training (SEF) and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), was delivered at the Centre for Local Development.

Furthermore, as reported, this session will be continued from this Association, and from the Office of Local Development, with the advice and mentoring of viable projects for entrepreneurs.

Specific topics that were discussed are basically on the idea of business, the Plan of viability, the search for funding, different legal forms, administrative proceedings before the various administrations and public assistance or subsidies

This seminar, said the mayor, is part of an ambitious program to support local business initiatives that arise in the municipality.

It recalled that the May 19 City Council signed with AJE Totana the second collaboration agreement for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship in the town of Totana, confirming grants or tax incentives or fees paid under 35 years the establishment and operation of your business or business activity.

People in more information about start-ups can be directed to the Office for Local Development of Industrial Park "The Saladar", C / Huerta Nueva 5, from 8:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday appointment by phone: 968 425003 and 968 418116, ask for Antonia Martinez, and the Association of Young Entrepreneurs in the Region of Murcia, located in the street Acisclo Diaz, 5 C.

3 ª Planta.



Tel: 968 28 25 52.

Fax: 968 28 72 74.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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