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The PIM, located at the weekly market, distributes information and guidelines for smoking cessation citizens on the occasion of World Day against Snuff " (28/05/2008)

The council of Social Welfare, Juan Carrion Tudela, and Health, Trini Cayuela, visited the Mobile Information Point, located on the weekly market on the occasion of World Day against Snuff "to raise awareness of adverse consequences has this habit for health.

Through the placement of this PIM, the Municipal Services Drug Addiction Prevention of the Department of Social Welfare, has conducted throughout the day morning a series of activities to join the tobacco prevention campaign, organized by the Ministry of Murcia, under the slogan "Good environment."

To better dissemination of the campaign against smoking, has offered information to all citizens and guides have been distributed to quit, and brochures about the snuff.

Also this year, has been given to anyone who approaches to receive information, a fan, stickers and candy.

Thus, as noted by the Social Welfare council, "we aim to reach people, how damaging it can be the snuff, not just for smokers but for those around him, and that smoking is top preventable cause of illness and death in Spain and Murcia. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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