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Encounter between Cultures in the IES "Prado Mayor"] | Councillors of Education, Roque Molina Legaz, and Welfare, Juan Carrion, and the director of IES Prado Mayor "have been responsible for closing the program" Expo Prado 08.

Encounter between cultures "|

The councilors of Education, Roque Molina Legaz, and Welfare, Juan Carrion, and the director of IES Prado Mayor "have been responsible for closing the program" Expo '08 Prado.

Encounter between cultures ", which took place in the immediate vicinity of the center.

Councilman recalled Education Award Silver Slate, hard work and values in education in the Region, the Ministry of Education awarded the center in recognition of the "proceedings in favor of intercultural coexistence and integration of all pupils center, opting for the comprehensive education of students. "

Professional recognition of teachers in this school in the town, according to Roque said Molina, is of great satisfaction and that the name of Totana has been heard throughout the Region of Murcia, and commended the great work done by all educational community of this center highlighting the importance of teaching.

So said the intention of the government team to continue working and investing "for actions to promote intercultural coexistence and integration of all students of the center.

This is a program, which began on February 4 and will end May 31 and has enjoyed the cooperation and sponsorship of the Department of Education and Social Welfare has given prominence to the realization of different activities in 14 countries the world.

This program, according to the director of the Center, Alicia Ortiz, who expressed great joy and satisfaction for the successful development of it has sought to improve social integration in the group and enhance cultural development, among other issues, and thanked the presence and assistance, to show support of the municipal authorities.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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