Totana City Council will promote the construction of a sheltered housing for people with disabilities as well as housing for young people in a lot located on the street of the town Colombia.
This proposal, submitted jointly by the departments of Industry and Social Welfare, was approved unanimously by the full City Council, at its regular meeting on Monday afternoon.
This is a new pilot project undertaken by both councils, according to industry said the mayor, José Antonio Valverde Reina, who explained that "the construction of these houses aim to give respite care to people with disabilities in their care ".
In this way, the City will proceed with the demolition of the house located at number 5 on the street Proinvitosa Colombia to urge the municipal corporation for the Promotion of Housing and Industrial Land, to launch a housing development in solar housing development for purposes of social, youth and people with housing needs to be one of them aimed at people with disabilities.
The mayor of Industry, José Antonio Valverde Queen, he recalled that PROINVITOSA society, of which he is chairman, acquired in 2002 a ground floor apartment on Calle Colombia, 5 for whose purchase was through the Town Council of Totana a grant for the purchase of housing for the resettlement of the population.
This home, he explained, is currently in very poor condition and would need to be made using the same major rehabilitation.
The house is built on a plot of 230 square meters, of which occupies about half, according to Valverde Reina, who said that "given the state it was found and the possibility of building the site, would be more beneficial than rehabilitation, demolition of the same. "
The purpose of this demolition would carry out a housing development for young people whose maximum number, according to the buildability of the site, would range between 5 and 7 and associated garages and supervised the said housing for the disabled.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana