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The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and the president of the Young Entrepreneurs Association (AJE) Lower Guadalentín, Ginés Méndez, signed the second agreement of collaboration between a for the promotion of entrepreneurship in the municipal and maintenance the National Network of Municipalities Entrepreneurs.

The event was attended by the aldermen and Employment Development, Trini Cayuela, and Industry, José Antonio Valverde Queen, because after the firm proceeded to inform the 60's entrepreneurs and business people attending the subsidies and incentives ratified the Convention, the advantages of being part of the Young Entrepreneurs Association and other measures to be put in place by the City to encourage entrepreneurship and improve existing ones in our town .

Totana City Council in 2006 joined the Network of Cities Entrepreneurs, following the signing of this agreement, which aims to promote entrepreneurial culture and involves the implementation of various initiatives to promote entrepreneurship among young people local and "Totana make a more attractive place to invest and work and promote entrepreneurship by creating a more competitive environment" as the mayor explained.

Thus, the Consistory supported under this agreement to the new young entrepreneurs totaneros to encourage the establishment of new businesses in this county, increasing the number of jobs and diversify the local economy, according to Councilwoman Development and Employment, Trini Cayuela.

Subsidies or incentives to encourage the start, opening or starting a new business, as reported by Trini Cayuela are "50% of groups such as the tax rates paid by the Tax Systems, Building and Works, Rate the performance of the administrative licensing of establishments opening, the rate for carrying out administrative activities of granting planning permission and the Fee for issuing administrative documents "

For his part, Councillor for Industry encouraged the audience to invest in the town and reported the immediate projects to be set up through the Municipal Society for the Promotion of Industrial Land and Housing, (PROINVITOSA).

Among the projects mentioned by the mayor, is the promotion of an office building with commercial premises and basement, which will be located on a plot of phase I of the Industrial "El Saladar" versus Local Development Centre, which award is planned for this summer.

He reported the next twelve promoting industrial modular buildings 200-400 square meters, which will be located on the fourth phase of the Industrial Partial Plan, the beginning of works is scheduled for June.

For his part, Mayor of Totana noted that "the creation of companies is one of the basic pillars that underpin economic development, and necessarily involved an increase in the wealth of a locality" and stressed "the commitment that since municipal corporation are being made to implement measures to promote employment, and this agreement is a good example. "

Similarly, he encouraged all attendees to use this line of support, which aim to facilitate the creation of companies to "create a stable economic framework in the municipality."

To complete the information day organized by the departments of Industry and Development and Employment, representatives of the Chamber of Commerce reported Nexopyme aid program for freelancers and SMEs in 2008.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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