The head of communications of the TUP is surprised at the statements made by the PSOE and IU-Win Totana publicly known after the sentence that condemns the council to return more than two million euros, interest and costs of trial for one of the agreements signed at time of Juan Morales.
For Muņiz, "this fact is not new and it was clear it was coming and most likely this decision will be accompanied by others in the coming months."
From the TUP, consider that "the mayor and his government team must stop the PP request explanations about a situation in a known and begin to explain what they will do and how they will afford the payments on those judgments time."
"Likewise, and after learning the twist you have given with respect to the General Plan should take responsibility for moving forward on the complicity of a corrupt Plan approved from the origin and promoter of these disasters for the local economy," says Muņiz.
"In addition to explaining how it will deal with that payment, they should explain how many and what are the likely payment on that basis of the agreements are".
"The neighbors must know what and how much conveniantes have complained to City Hall for this reason, both those that deposited checks as those who have done through guarantees".
"Similarly, and especially the Socialist Party must explain why at this stage of the legislature, it is very quiet with the situation of the Sports City and its ownership and consequent costs that this infrastructure can lead to pocket totaneros well as steps taken to regularize the situation of the same ".
"They Add and also remind these, steeped in hatred and continuous attack PP for their past mistakes, to explain what steps have been taken to regularize the center infrastructure reconciliation of Saladar or, conversely municipal leaders, will let that will go down in utter ruin. Remind also that the hundreds of thousands of euros invested there as finalists grant can be claimed to come from a grant finalist European funds ".
For Muņiz, "the fact of living in the past and not to recognize their present inaction is leading to PSOE and IU to shut up about the situation is the Hotel La Santa, whose contract termination costs money totaneros and whose process remains paralyzed. "
"For citizens, every day becomes more apparent paralysis which is entering a team of government that streamlines or resolve even many records, including any disciplinary sleeping on the table of current management."
"At the height of laziness, which in the last legislature reproached the PP as is updating the inventory of municipal property, mandatory at the beginning of each term, still in the same paralysis that had the PP, sleeping the sleep of the righteous. you might wonder if the mayor and his deputy, to the probability that a creditor claiming yet another management and know what goods have totaneros to pay politicians who are mired one another are responsible but that outside criticism, did nothing for Justice put an end to such abuses, "he adds.
For Muniz, "it is obvious that for years know that the money paid in respect of agreements was spent illegally for three consecutive terms, and thus recorded in audit reports and treasury."
But the question "why these same who now rule not report illegal not only politically but also legally as it did the council not attached to the last term."
"One wonders why they were not in court to report these questionable municipally owned infrastructure in which they knew was spending public money," he adds Muniz, "and if you do not know what they are covering up the crime or the obligation to report".
In conclusion, claims Muniz spokesman for the two formations "to show respect to their voters and others, all deserve totaneros already once and for all who know the truth and govern with transparency and efficiency."
Muniz recalled that three years ago the Socialist Party, then in opposition, and said that " The Mayor should clarify the ownership of the sports complex "
Source: TUP / Fotos: archivo