"The four local groups Totana City Council agree to undertake such express approval of the General Plan even at the expense of circumventing the law and operate in an alleged fraud of the same", according to reports from TUP.
"The decision sui generis in the last plenary session to address the last phase of the General Plan is not what was expected of the government team.
It is not explained that until recently were sworn enemies of the General Plan Morales who fought and who poured the most serious disqualifications now intend to enter a mockery citizenship and fixing among very few.
Only you can understand this attitude as bastards alleged involvement in and special interests who do not obey the general interest, and are a new twist in the processing of a corrupt plan from the beginning.
Shocked to hear what was said at the last plenary by various municipal officials, where in a constant sterile debate, and that the city clerk who oversees the legal legality swayed this off.
The municipal government seems oblivious to the legal reality that could affect the General Plan, as it must be so appeared in the press that has been requested to the Ministry nullity of the Plan and in the process of administrative disputes that end up annulling court.
It lies within what may be annulled by the defect of lacking CHS report on water resources, and others.
TS and the judgments of the Supreme Court on this issue in other municipalities they have shown.
Hard to believe that the municipal officers in the area of ​​urbanism give approval to this position and actions of the government team with the mayor to head back to the legal reality that could occur and which from Totana back occurs.
It is also noticeable and profound impact on the regional press the newly admitted charges against senior officials of Murcia executive, which is being requested as a precautionary measure to suspend all general plans of municipalities that signed with the Public Water Utility, as is the case of Totana.
That would be an absolute mockery of the neighbors, representatives of business groups, and to other groups that once already protested against this plan, its continuation in the claim that marginalizes the will of citizens and subjects the future of the organization the territory to the decision of a few. "
Source: Totana Unión y Progreso