"Sometimes strange things happen. One example was in regular plenary session held on Wednesday, when the PP did not support unclog the General Plan and squandered an opportunity to initiate consensus to go all together to approve the General Plan in no time and subsequently to reform what is meant for once, Totana, have a General Plan of all. Or the vast majority.
As mayor and after months of negotiation and consultation, I presented an amendment to the whole (which I hit here), seeking consensus of all to desastacar the General Plan.
It was a surprise that the First Mayor, shall be limited to the script provided to compel his group did not support the plan when I know that some councilors from the right, agreed with the amendment.
Once again it shows that the heir to Morales and Andreo, is "prey and conditioned" by old grudges and demonstrates that seek unanimity and consensus is just cheap rhetoric, empty of content.
I leave the Amendment, passed with the votes of citizens, Earn Totana PSOE and IU, without the support of the PP:
Amendment presented to all Municipal Group;
Totana win Izquierda Unida, the motion of the Municipal People in the full January 2016, on: "Back to urge the Mayor to order the drafters of the General Plan to urgently undertake the work requested in the report of July 29, 2015" .
We not discover anything if we say that the history of land-use planning in Totana was sad, long and tortuous by the irresponsibility of the party that has ruled the last 12 years.
In a first phase, seated in corruption and speculation and on the other by the slowness and ballast carried by the inheritance and constraints of a vital document for our present and future.
There are hundreds of thousands of euros in a dilapidated totaneros work to no avail.
The rebuke received by the General Plan have been several, among them judicial, with the conviction of politicians and businessmen or environmental impact on the DIA report that eliminates several planning agreements, located in protected areas, such as Cabezuelas or Espuña.
Despite the blunder in the previous stage, an effort was made to redirect the General Plan, constituting a working group that, although advanced in the guidelines, was the "tiles" planning agreements and their consequences;
especially since the money paid in by the convenient public coffers, had been spent and could not be returned, seriously conditioning the final and adequate solution to the problem.
Finally -with a social and political rejection importantly, was approved with votes alone the Popular Party and PSOE and IU rejection Greens in Parliament.
Our political party appreciated the progress made but could not give the green letter to the Conventions, its consequences, among other issues that conditioned him as some infrastructure, linked to the failed model like road affecting the area of ​​the hamlet of siphons or High transfer area, to give some examples of poor planning.
Past municipal elections, with the change of the political map in the House, the Autonomous Region in July 2015, we request a correction of errors that can not be addressed immediately by the "plug" generated the months the whole team Legal Technical and Planning was devoted to drafting the General Plan for months, leaving very important job and licenses pending.
Totana IU win, we consider the current Plan approved by the PP alone, is not the best and we must proceed to initiate a stage of consensus and participation to reform the text, changing what is considered as not being burdened so far in their heritage.
But the fact remains that Totana urgently needs a General Plan, as there are hundreds of families waiting for approval to build or regulate their properties;
farmers who could legalize their holdings and several aspects in the development of the current plan if we understand attracts social and political agreement.
We understand that the basic mistake was to understand that the General Plan was a few over others and that attitude has led to misunderstandings that must be completed in order to start a job definitively the tool we need all light, looking for points meeting will not be so complicated, or looking for an "Eternal Plan," which should be the opposite: A Planning alive and changing, that new challenges and needs of Totana suits in the coming decades.
Very powerful to make a common effort and unblock this situation we understand professionals, entrepreneurs and citizens reasons we ask loudly with every right in the world.
It's time to start a process towards the future, since the understanding in important topics such as the General Plan.
Therefore, we raise for consideration the following amendment to the whole proposal on the basis of the Popular Party:
The full City Council, agrees to immediately convene a Working Committee, composed of one representative from each Municipal Group, chaired by the mayor and attended by representatives of employers, trade unions, professional associations of Public Works Engineers, Architects, Surveyors and Team Writer current plan.
We agreed, after evaluation by the Committee on Labour and the report of the municipal officers, correct mistakes and technical deficiencies that were requested by the Ministry of Public Works in July 2015.
In parallel, a consultation period to technicians, professionals and citizens to develop a timetable to amend the General Plan 'Once approved by the Community autonomously, adapting it to the Land Law will start, supplying the amendments considered and have plenary committed as vials Trail of Traps, the upper area of ​​Diversion and others.
The Working Committee will control the timing and work of the correction of errors and the boot process of future modifications and updates of the General Plan. "
Juan Jose Canovas (facebook.com/jjcanovas)
Source: Totana.com