The president of the Brotherhood of Santa Maria Magdalena de Totana, Ramon Corbalan, recently visited the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela" and has delivered a donation of 100 euros to the Association of Rare Diseases D'Genes within acts of solidarity that this brotherhood developed in Totana.
D'Genes president, Juan Carrion, accompanied by other members of the board of the association wanted to thank this initiative and moved the president of the Brotherhood of St. Mary Magdalene that would make extended its gratitude to the rest of this fraternity brothers for their generosity to support these initiatives with maintaining the portfolio of services that are provided in the "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela," a reference center for multidisciplinary care for people with rare diseases and their families in the region of Murcia Centre.
Source: D´Genes