"After d more d 7 hours d full it became clear to me apart from the roll of team d government on groups PP and Cs (one thing is what they said and quite another that do), it's the little tune q will have some councilors d the 2 parties of the pact between them. had q only see their faces, gestures, ravings in their speeches.
Last night they were evident personal resentments, differences and the fictional loyalty among councilors of the two parties.
The problem is not personal but q this affects the daily management.
Also check the desire of Mayor x lead a General Plan q he wants to own and abanderarlo, discrediting and throwing away much of the technical work done x and the Working Committee in the years back (including UI).
Now almost start again for anyone to say that was the plan PP.
What a waste of time and clumsiness.
Besides diversions that we are not an obstacle.
We will continue to pitch in so let us plan and contributing to our management experience
Last night at dawn several motions for political and personal brilliance of Mr. Mayor you could see better at governing body that comes to matters of everyday life.
Also we check it to see enemies and ghosts where there is (now it is the new Comptroller and the Director General of Local Ad.) Is very own d who has no exits or know the reason d q gives steps in their management does not know of which speaks (some councilors).
All these things happen and this is what you have to have a majority result from an agreement.
And what it is to come. "
Isabel Maria Sanchez Ruiz (facebook.com/alcaldesatotana)
Source: Totana.com