Ball Solidario initiative, launched by the Association of Rare Diseases D'Genes and the Association of Relatives and Affected Lipodystrophies (AELIP), has been a success.
In a month since its launch, it has sold more than a thousand balls solidarity.
This initiative is part of the "Go for the Goal to Rare Diseases" supported by coach Vicente del Bosque and the player Andres Iniesta, whose signatures are printed on the ball.
In addition, it is decorated in the hands of children of the associations involved.
The benefits derived from the sale of ball, which costs 14.95 euros, will go to the maintenance of the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela" located in Totana, which works to improve the quality of life affected by rare diseases as well as to collaborate with the research on lipodystrophy.
The ball is available in the centers of D'Genes located the C / Tight and the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela" in C / San Cristobal 7 of the town of Totana.
In addition, other outlets are totaneros Shoe stores Carrion, Atmosphere Sport, Tenth, Sports Molino, Hermanos Romero, Toys and Bolsacs El Molino.
Also it can be purchased at the centers of the English Court of Murcia and Cartagena.
In addition, it can also be purchased through the website of the Association D'Genes and can be delivered to anywhere in Spain by Transportes Cano, for orders over 10 balls.
Since D'Genes and AELIP want to thank all the people who have bought a charity ball with his gesture that contribute to raise funds to improve the quality of life of people affected by rare diseases.
Also, diffusion is given to the reality of these pathologies as something as used as a ball, it serves to promote corporate images and logos of both organizations working on behalf of people with diseases of low prevalence and lipodystrophy.
Source: D´Genes