The Full Council of Totana last night approved unanimously the joint motion requesting a series of measures to the central and regional administrations which alleviates the plight of totanero field as a result of damage caused by weather effects.
Thus, it is requested, to the serious situation described, the Ministries of Agriculture and Finance enable a line of soft loans, through the ICO, with 0% interest, payable in 5 years and 2 deficiency.
Furthermore, the motion of all four municipal groups requesting the Central Administration exemption from payment of contributions to Social Security over the next twelve months.
Similarly, another of the agreements is to ask the Ministry of Agriculture and Water of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia that the necessary technical reports be made to refer them to the relevant ministry in order that a reduction or rebate applies in tax modules for damage and crops in the campaign this year.
Also it approved unanimously the joint motion to the City Council of this town start to record the statement of the Carnival of Totana as Regional Tourist Interest by the Autonomous Region of Murcia.
In addition, it was agreed, with the votes of the PSOE, IU and Earn Totana PP C'sy abstention, the motion for mayor to ensure, in the future, the payment of salaries of workers in the Centre Special Totana (CEDETO) while labor officials and staff members of the municipal staff.
Corporate passed, in turn, with the votes of the PSOE and IU-Win Totana and the abstention of the PP and C's, the motion of the Mayor with proposing that the City of Totana prioritize the payment of wages , social assistance, maintenance and infrastructure and basic services, among others;
against the payment of loans and interest on the debt.
In the same motion mayor it is urging the parliamentary groups represented in the Congress of Deputies for the reform of Article 135 of the Constitution, restoring the primacy of human and social values ​​that the economy is subject to the public interest.
The motion calls for priority on issues such as the priority of payments to municipal workers, small businesses, shops, social work, employment programs, repairs of streets and roads, utilities management, garbage collection, social assistance;
against loans to meet interest and principal debt.
With this, the PSOE further amendment was adopted urging the House of Representatives to repeal the Law of Budgetary Stability and the Consistory foregone loans to pay suppliers and withholding damaging in State taxes.
Another motion of the Mayor saw the approval of the corporation unanimously with which transparency measures proposed to be included in the municipal corporate website, through a section of free access, to the neighbors and users the portal they can learn and see firsthand the economic data of the members of the Municipal Corporation.
The claim of the mayor is to update the information, individualized, depending on the changes and contemplate a register of interests of public office at the time of his inauguration.
It was also informed of salary or subsistence allowance Hall, detailing the concepts;
and the expenditure incurred by public activities performed (meals, travel, accommodation, etc.).
The claim is that citizens know all the revenue and what the City pays corporate in order to be posted on the municipal website.
The plenary also unanimously approved the proposal of the council of Human Resources on the working calendar, holidays and leave for 2016.
Municipal political groups
Plenary also it approved with the votes in favor of Win Totana-UI and abstention from the other three groups, express their rejection of the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union, and USA (TTIP) by opacity which are conducting these negotiations as well as the dire consequences that would respect labor rights, financial transactions, supply and environmental standards, and to urge the competent authorities to cease negotiations Transatlantic Treaty Trade (TTIP).
It was agreed, with the votes of the PSOE, IU and Earn Totana-C'sy against the PP, urge the Government of Spain for the adoption of all legislative initiatives are necessary to correct the criminalization of the right to strike such as the repeal of section 315.3 of the Criminal Code, in defense of the legitimacy of the social and democratic rule of law.
Green light was given to the motion of Winning Totana IU for social and environmental criteria in public procurement contemplate, with the votes of the PSOE, PP and IU abstaining C'sy.
This initiative was approved with an amendment by the Socialist Group proposed adding a study of existing contracts when due by the technicians responsible for the contract, which transmit and enforce the principles of quality, affordability, environmental and social conditions in those contracts and provide technical report by the extension.
Corporate CP approved the motion unanimously to urge the Highways Agency to undertake a study and install elements of visibility and elements conducive vehicles reduce their speed to match that run Bowers in Alternative North Totana.
This proposal was approved with the addition of the PSOE amendment for a study to solve the bumps that are on the bridge over the railway and solve the service road that surrounds it is made.
Totana Win an amendment to the motion-IU Popular Party, with the votes of all groups and the non-PP, to immediately convene a working committee consisting of a representative approved in another issues, each municipal group, chaired by the mayor and attended by employers, trade unions, professional associations of civil engineers, architects, surveyors and the drafting team of the current plan.
In this regard, it adds correct errors and technical deficiencies that were requested by the Ministry of Public Works in July 2015 following its assessment on the Commission after the technical report.
In parallel, a consultation period to technicians, professionals and citizens to develop a timetable to amend the General Plan, adapting it to the Land Law, supplying the amendments considered to have committed and full start.
The agreement gives the working committee monitoring deadlines and work of the correction of errors and the boot process of future modifications and updates of the General Plan.
The deputies approved unanimously the motion of the PSOE on the economic situation of schools in the region;
seeking recovery for the expenditure of operation of such budget allocations to pre-adjustments and payment centers budgeted amounts within the time limits set by the regulations.
PSOE in the proposed supplementary provisions for investing in the recovery of accumulated both facilities and materials and equipment resources and new investments deterioration asked.
Similarly, the fertilizer immediately, the remaining 20% ​​of the budget for operating expenses of the IES during the year 2015 and the payment of this percentage to early education centers and included still remain earrings.
Finally, it was agreed, with the votes of Winning Totana IU, PSOE, against the PP and the abstention of C's, stop the implementation of the current Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality and the therefore repeal it, as approved the Regional Assembly of Murcia;
and consensus and establish a political and social agreement of a Basic Education Act to repeal the LOMCE.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana