The Popular Party wants to denounce the hypocrisy and crude populist manipulation by the Mayor and equipment coalition government to justify its refusal to remedy the technical shortcomings of the land-use planning of Totana.
On July 29, 2015 he informed the City Council of Totana by the Directorate of Planning and Housing of the Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure, a report identifying technical deficiencies before the General Plan document approved Murcia in full on 26 March 2015. The report sought to proceed to provide information and / or justification of specified aspects of the General Plan to facilitate and complete the processing of the same.
The Popular Party, the responsibility that this document will be approved as soon as possible, considering the importance assumed that approval for the Municipality in its socio-economic development, then requested an urgent meeting of the working table of the Planning Commission, to explain what the position of the government team and work patterns that are intended to continue to such an important document for the future of our town.
At the time we found the Popular Party has not received the request before any response, nor have been answered the questions posed by this group in the November plenary on the state of the same and were:
Why it has not called the workbench PGOU Planning Commission spent almost 3 months?
When will convene this table?
Have you ever given orders to municipal editors PGOU starting work justification and correction?
if given the order, have you started this work and work have done?
If the order is not given, When will a give and that has not happened yet?
Is priority for this government team to the Plan?
During the plenary December 2015 after the Municipal People's silence on the part of the government team at such an important issue, again requested by a motion that is initiated by the municipal officers work of rectification of the deficiencies they were reported to the City Totana dated July 29.
The team left coalition government proved once again, in full last December 29 that its sole purpose is to destroy everything that the Popular Party has approved or implemented in recent years, being the only thing matching, but such projects are beneficial to the people of Totana.
A clear example is evident in the withdrawal of the proposal by the team of the covenant, which the Municipal People submit again to be initiated by the municipal officers work correction of deficiencies.
The argument of the mayor to leave it in the drawer the processing of the general plan is that the popular party was the ruling and that January would answer on the general plan.
The Municipal People's Party spokesman revealed in the discussion of the proposal, which is no longer subject to the final step of this document as necessary to continue the development of our town and productive sectors, as this General Plan collects transient to facilitate the regularization of livestock farms, plasma future and regularization of land next to the consolidated risk, facilitates the construction of homes in the "zone of gardens" and other areas, protects our natural heritage, cultural and archaeological etc ...
We are in the third week of January 2016 and the Mayor and government partners and support their cards open face that had never intended to approve the General Plan for Totana.
The mayor did not already know how to hide the high toll that require delivery partners and in his usual populist line, this master of verbosity endemic in social networks, "pleased" redundant but rendered meaningless arguments.
Regarding the press release from the PSOE, catches the manipulation and demagoguery of which boast to each paragraph of it.
When the PSOE writes in its press release: "planning the future of Totana has to have broad political and social consensus" actually have to read: "We will not allow that a General Plan that does not benefit approve the dark urban interests in the protection zone of the park Espuña all our powerful mentor ".
Once again the PSOE de Totana displays his more radical amorality and absolute indifference to the needs of our town.
The Popular Party, against the arguments used by the two parties of the deal, want to remember that in the last legislature, our Municipal Group commissioned the drafting of the Plan to the municipal officers to be the best acquainted with the needs of Totana and save a lot of money to the municipal coffers.
These technicians fulfilled their task with great effort, where the city model planned for Totana and must combine this important task with the obligations of the planning area, and did so with efficiency and honesty, without political pressures, and always giving account his work at the desk where all political parties were represented as well as various associations of our town, to the platform "Not this General Plan" had a representative.
The PSOE and the CEBAG, which in its visible heads come to be the same, they soon were absent ... .. !!!.
The Popular Party hopes that the Mayor, in the exercise of its institutional responsibility towards our town, does not abide by the dark interests of the PSOE, whose party flags ignorance, partisanship and irresponsibility, at the time of the approval of the essential for economic recovery in Totana document and proceed to convene the working table as soon as possible so that work can begin immediately.
In Totana everyone knows that the internal differences that the two parties to the pact have and that is long in this area (IU worked on the committee in the previous Parliament and abstained in the adoption of the document in the plenary of March 2015 while the PSOE got up and left the responsibility to the first hurdle without knowing still today the motives and voted against the approval of the document).
They have a ballot that has not faced or overtones resolution is because they continue with the technique of "ostrich" hiding his head with a paper in a drawer for lack of interest and irresponsibility of the two groups, folded interests individuals instead of the general of the villagers.
The mayor said at the last plenary session that this matter would be facing the full January and we fear that the months passed and still not address an issue that is vital to Totana.
Since the PP we offer again the Mayor to go together and work side by side as we did in the previous legislature to move forward hand in hand with the technicians, who are the best qualified and knowledgeable about the situation.
The agreements can not and should not be an obstacle or excuse, because from the Popular Party have said by active and passive to advance the Plan without them. "
Source: PP Totana / Foto: archivo