I do not know if the new auditor has given us the "target" or the People's Party, has come in order to hinder and torpedo the management of the government team, if he is a competent professional who, with their knowledge, will help the economic reconstruction of the town hall or, on the contrary, it will be another plague more.
Before giving my opinion about the attitude of the mayor of Totana to stand up to the new controller, and by virtue of friendship that we maintain, I'd like to reflect on the risk of distorting what I understand as a decent position with a biased and nearly electoral analysis of the reform of Article 135 of the Constitution.
When Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero decided the Express constitutional reform with the PP, many Socialists were disappointed to the point of doubt about our stay in the PSOE.
After heavy fighting between convictions and feelings, disappointed the thousands of militants demanded a primary process as the first step in the return of our identity which will result in revocation of the reform of that article and in our unwavering position in favor of welfare state.
Relatively speaking, of course, the Constitution would be something like the patriarch who puts peace in the major conflicts of the clan, but does not go into the fine print of the day.
The really tragic for the Spaniards, was not constitutional reform that article but the Organic Law 2/2012 of budgetary stability and financial sustainability that develops and, as you know Juan José, was approved by the PP and voted against by the PSOE but you omit.
The Act and no art.
135, which is sprayed all labor and social achievements unquestionably were mostly achieved in practice by socialist governments but ingratitude, which is short memory, forgets quickly.
You know perfectly well that the articles of the Constitution is not met and no one in his nearly 38 years, has been disciplined by it or shocked by the systematic violation of the right to work of the Spaniards, their right to a decent wage, enough to meet their needs and those of your family or the right to decent and adequate housing referred to in articles 35 and 47 of the constitution that you present as invulnerable.
There is therefore reason to load the inks on the reform of Zapatero that could well be breached as the right to work and housing is violated if at the same time it hides that Law PP was voted down by the PSOE and yes It obliges us and punishes month.
If Zapatero would be subject to consultation of the Spanish intention, today there would be both opportunistic speculator and strategist suffering of others without government responsibilities to capitalism which just ask in Greece- Tsipras.
But back to the beginning, Juan José support your decision, as mayor, to establish a priority of decent and humane in the city of Totana payments and moved that you will do the same when you replace the front of City Hall, and Mr . Auditor will need to understand (with his objections and warnings) that over the fulfillment of an unjust law, are people, their problems and needs.
Hopefully when we discredit and criminalize, as Fuenteovejuna Totana, exit to defend their rights and support their mayors.
If more than 3,000 people have cheered on the town square, less noble causes, why not do it all at a legitimate and just cause.
Socialist Group TOTANA
Source: PSOE Totana