The Ministry of Education and Universities has called the tests for obtaining the Certificate in Secondary Education, aimed at people over 18, according to sources from the Department of Education.
Interested parties may make telematics enrollment today, January 21 until February 18, through address, accessing the link 'Procedures on line'.
They may participate in these tests people over 18 and those that have completed at the end of the registration period, than students of Secondary Education or education leading to obtaining the Certificate in Secondary Education for Adults in the classroom or distance.
Also, people who perform these tests and obtain the Certificate in Secondary Education are eligible for a place in high school or one of the training courses Intermediate to bid the Ministry in the 2016-2017 year.
The tests are divided into three areas, communication, social and scientific-technological.
In addition, participants may request exemptions for different testing areas, according to studies or other evidence previously overcome.
The examinations will take place during June and the first half of September 2016.
In addition, all information on the procedure of registration, extracts information, calendar, content reference or past examination papers is available on the website of the Ministry of Education and Universities,, the link Subject Area of ​​Adult Education / Calls, or from the web page through the link Adult Education / Free Testing 2016.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana