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Stable weather for tomorrow, Tuesday, the day of the Pilgrimage of Santa Eulalia (07/12/2015)

We continue with stable weather so tomorrow Tuesday, December 8, day of the pilgrimage, no significant changes are expected in the weather theme, according to reports from MeteoTotana .

Cloudiness early in the morning that will be dissipating as they advance the hours, enjoying sunny weather in middle of the day.

Increasing cloudiness in the evening and night hours.

Mild temperatures in the center, with minimal estimated 9 ° C / 10 ° C and 20 ° C maximum near.

Heat drop must be taken into account in the mountains so the minimum temperature to be recorded in the area of ​​the Hermitage of Santa Eulalia is around 4 ° C.

Source: MeteoTotana / Foto: archivo Totana.com

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