The Full Council of Totana approved last night, at the regular meeting of November, demanding the Ministry of Industry and Energy and the immediate cessation of the proposed amendment Line High Voltage "Lorca Solar PV" which has caused great discomfort and concern among citizens of Totana and Aledo.
This Mantero, agreed unanimously the motion of the Socialist Group in this regard, which also requires the Governing Council of the Region of Murcia that the decision on the corridor and route used is adopted by consensus and collaboration with municipalities Totana, Aledo and Lorca, ensuring the least possible involvement with the burial of the line or alternative point of evacuation.
The Municipal Corporation expressed its full support to the claims of the platform directly affected neighbors, which has become a few weeks ago, and the two populations in general.
Furthermore, motions paths Earn Totana PP-IU and for the Council open negotiations to study the location of the plant in areas of Totana, thus saving on the construction of the planned route were approved along with the motion of the PSOE;
and that the energy is evacuated at the nearest, respectively substation.
Green light was given finally unanimously the motion of the Mayor that the current "Eduardo Chillida" square onwards receive Brotherhood called Kiss of Judas and Jesus Pierced and the initial name of the Basque sculptor store in If existing garden in the square.
It was also agreed unanimously to urge the Segura basin (CHS) to proceed so urgent and immediate to set up and repair the break produced in the left margin Canal Paretón in order to avoid and major damage in case of heavy rain or atmospheric storm.
In the proposal the suggestion C's-Party Citizenship collected for the entire stretch of the canal as it passes through the town of Totana is reviewed.
Likewise, corporate gave the green light, with the votes of the PSOE and the PP abstention C'sy and Win-IU Totana, the motion of the Socialist Group collecting political parties who attend the upcoming municipal elections the municipality can not include in their lists any candidate for councilor that this accused on charges that deal with political corruption.
In socialist proposal the need for municipal accounts are audited by an independent body at the beginning and end of each term so convincingly that enable citizens to know the economic management of the municipal government in this term is also noted.
The Plenary agreed unanimously join the Central Procurement of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) in order to contract works, services and supplies the central bid above, according to the conditions and prices are set in the contracts or framework agreements signed between this plant and the successful tenderers for the same.
It was approved request, a proposal by the PP, the Directorate General of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Autonomous Region of Murcia that the necessary procedures are carried out and, where appropriate, the modifications deemed appropriate in relation to the Current rules of ITV stations, and finally resolve the issue or installation of a station Vehicle Inspection in the city of Totana.
The second motion of the PP, which was also adopted unanimously, concerned the construction of a round in the hamlet of LEBOR at the intersection of Camino del Hinojar with the Old Way of Lorca.
Outside agenda
Outside the agenda was approved unanimously set an Area Regeneration and Urban Renewal (ARRU) inside the village in order to gain access to aid regional housing plan that gives the Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure for promote the improvement of residential structures, in this case, the neighborhoods of San Jose, Las Parras, San Roque and the area of ​​the prison.
The council will implement this project through delÁrea Regeneration and Urban Renewal, allowing it to obtain burst data across 11,000 euros to carry out this type of action, among which also include the promotion of energy efficiency and accessibility to buildings.
Finally, the council approved unanimously at its last regular session, refinancing operations in force long-term credit with the bank "Banco Sabadell-CAM" for a total amount of over 2.7 million euros and that allow savings in interest 682,000 euros over the next ten years.
Draw polling
In addition, at the beginning of the session the relevant draw of the Members, the tables at polling stations in the municipality, for the general elections to be held on December 20 was performed.
A representative of each of the four municipal groups were present in the computer random draw which selects the president and two members and two alternates for each position, of the 30 polling stations distributed in this county.
See report:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana