Representatives of all four municipal groups represented in the city of Totana read last night institutional Manifesto of the Municipal Corporation to mark the International Day Against Violence Against Women, the event took place at the gates of the main facade of the town hall.
There is also a scenic place on the floor shows the name of women in order to raise awareness that anyone can be a victim of this social evil and the need to fight it.
Public representatives expressed their total rejection of gender violence and appealed to all men and women, groups, organizations and public authorities so that, each in its area of ​​responsibility, contribute to the elimination of such violence.
In addition, they advocated continue fighting for the reporting and elimination of all forms of violence, a society without gender discrimination and with equal rights and opportunities;
and that equality policies go beyond the care attention.
They also defended the need to create new standards for children and youth entering values ​​of equality and that, from an earlier age coeducation real in the classroom;
and educate from childhood to resolve conflicts through dialogue and consensus among equals.
Likewise, they said in the manifesto, the advisability of participating socially to eradicate social structures and attitudes that perpetuate discrimination against women in society;
and consider that people, men and women are equal in rights, decision-making capacity and opportunities to choose from.
Among other demands highlighted the need to jointly share the household chores and self-care and people, thus gaining autonomy and enjoying the affection of those who want;
resolve conflicts nonviolently and always show solidarity and support to women victims of domestic violence.
For all these reasons, they invited the public to join as many awareness-raising, prevention and reporting are developed in Totana to contribute to the elimination of violence against women.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana /